The CoRa-Certificate

Our digital certificate rates SMEs and gives them the opportunity to communicate reliability without disclosing sensitive financial data. At the same time, CoRa enables the business partners of SMEs to receive a fair, simple and reliable assessment of the company.

The CoRa-Certificate: The new Swiss standard for digital trust.

Easy to understand & use
Quick to create & reasonably priced
Transparent & protects sensitive data

CoRas revolutionary credit risk assessment

The CoRa-Certificate combines different risk assessment methods and integrates them into one easy-to-understand grade. This approach allows for improved risk assessment by looking at a wider data set.

Ratyng Score
Ratyng's scores are generated based on the company's financial ratios. The models follow the same logic as used today by large banks when granting loans. This method is able to assess the highest risks with certainty.
CoRa grade
A combination from both scores, the CoRa grade takes into account risks from external as well as internal data sources. The CoRa grade therefore allows the best possible assessment of credit risk for Swiss SMEs.
Intrum Score
Intrum's scores systematically access not only all public company data, but also Intrum's immense database of up to date payment information.

The new Swiss standard in SME risk assessment

"The CoRa grade is an important indicator of the quality of an SME and simplifies communication in business transactions."

Why it is time for a credit rating revolution

Assessing the financial stability of SMEs is complex and time-consuming. The best possible risk assessment is often only carried out by banks when granting loans and at considerable expense.

This is outdated. Through newly developed models and a digital approach, CoRa enables all companies to be better informed about their business partners.

"The CoRa grade helps SME business partners review SME business relationships easily, cost-effectively and transparently."

Offering trade credit often involves significant risks that were previously difficult to assess.

CoRa enables companies to quickly and cost-effectively obtain an assessment of the financial health of all business partners and thus evaluate all risk positions with banking standards.

Questions or interest in CoRa?

We are at your disposal at any time. Write us a message, we will get back to you as soon as possible. Your request is important to us!